Manage Users
Onboard New User
1. Navigate to Admin > User Admin > User Management
2. Click on the hamburger menu button on the top right corner and select "Create new user”
3. Input required information in the User Profile page
4. Click “Save”
This approach allows you to create one user at a time. The accounts will be created immediately and users will receive an activation email to setup their password right away. Repeat the process to create as many accounts as desired.
Invite User
1. Navigate to Admin > User Admin > User Management
2. Click on the hamburger menu button on the top right corner and select “Invite Team Member"
3. Enter the recipient email (separate emails by a comma if you wish to invite multiple users)
4. You may edit the email subject/message or use the default template.
5. Click "send email"
Mass Import Users
Want to quickly onboard all your users at once? Use Circle LMS mass import function.
Watch this tutorial to learn how to import users in bulk:
Update User Info
1. Go to Admin > User admin > User Management
2. Search for user
3. Select a user from the result list to open the user’s profile.
4. Make any updates desired
5. Click the blue “Save” button to save the change(s)
Manage User Role & Account Access
To Create and Customize Roles:
Navigate to Admin > User Admin > Role Management
On the Role Information page, you’ll find six pre-defined system roles. Click on any role to edit its module access.
To add a new role, click the hamburger menu in the top right corner and select "Create New Role".
Enter a name and description for the new role.
Set the role's access by choosing which modules they can view or edit.
To Assign Roles to Users:
Go to Admin > User Admin > User Management.
Select a user and open their profile.
Under Roles, toggle ON the desired roles for this user.​
Activate/Terminate Account
1. Go to Admin > User Admin > User Management.
2. Search for a user
3. Select a user from the result list to open this user’s profile.
4. In the top right corner, turn the "Active" toggle ON or Off
5. click the blue “Save” button to save the change(s)
Please note that terminating a user will turn off all the email communications about this user. Terminated users will still be able to log into the training portal to view their past training records, but they will not be able to take any new training.
Manage Assignments
1. Go to Admin > User Admin > User Management.
2. Search for a user
3. Select a user from the result list to open this user’s profile.
4. In the Assignment page, add or remove assignments
View Login History
1. Go to Admin > User Admin > User Management.
2. Search for a user
3. Select the user from the result list to open this user’s profile.
4. Go to Login History to see the date and time that user has logged in