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My Profile 

View My Profile

To view your profile, go to Admin > My Profile


Basic information like your name, email address, location, and language preferences are shown at the top of the page. Scroll down the page to see your certification and training history.


You may change your password and profile image on this page. Click on your profile to upload an image from your laptop or select a different avatar.


To update other profile information, see Manage Profile


Manage Profile 

To make changes to your profile,

1. Go to Admin > User admin > User Management

2. Search for your account

3. Select your account from the result list to open your profile. 

4. Make any updates desired

  • ​Go to Profile to change your name, email address, location, site, etc.

  • Go to Roles to adjust your account's functionality and access

  • Go to Preferences to change your language preferences.

5.  click the blue “Save” button to save the change(s)


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