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Don’t make these 6 mistakes as a course creator!

Don't make these mistakes

Are you venturing into the world of online course creation? Before you dive in, it's essential to be aware of the potential pitfalls that could hinder your success. In this article, we'll explore six common mistakes made by course creators and how to avoid them. 

Mistake 1 : Not Knowing Your Crowd 

Many new course creators try to cater to everyone due to the fear of missing out. But casting a wider net does not equate to higher success. Instead, it can dilute your message and marketing efforts, ultimately leading to lower conversion rates. Therefore, it is imperative to define your coaching niche, conduct thorough market research, and understand the specific needs and pain points of your ideal clientele. By narrowing down who you teach and what you teach, you can tailor your content to better resonate with your specific audience.  

To guide your efforts, consider crafting a clear transformation statement. Simply fill in the blank: "I help [target audience] go from [starting point] to [desired outcome]." This exercise aids in clarifying precisely whom you aim to assist, their current situation, and the positive changes they can expect after engaging with your course.

Mistake 2: Not Building Community

Newbie content creators often dive headfirst into crafting their debut course while overlooking a critical first step: building meaningful relationships before they even begin course development. They might assume that they can attract an audience once they have a finished product to showcase, only to hear crickets after launching their course. 

That’s why building a community of followers ahead of time is essential for launching a successful course. Think of it like making friends before throwing a party – you want people to show up, right? Start by engaging with your audience through various channels like blogs, podcasts, or social media. Offer free, downloadable resources like cheat sheets and mini-guides in exchange for emails. Then, you can focus on nurturing your email list and building a loyal audience base that has the potential to become paying clients. 

Mistake 3: Keeping Your Course a Secret

To generate excitement for your upcoming course, take a page from the playbook of movie marketing. Rather than silently developing your course and suddenly launching it to the world, start actively promoting it before it's fully ready. Don't keep your course a secret!

Just like how movies are hyped up with trailers and teasers before they hit theaters, you should hint at what’s coming, offer sneak peeks of your content, and unveil the benefits of your course well in advance. Leverage your community to build anticipation and buzz around your upcoming launch. By adopting this approach, you'll have a dedicated crowd eagerly waiting to dive into your offering on launch day. Remember, it's all about building excitement before the big reveal.

Mistake 4: Obsession Over Perfection

It’s crucial to recognize there's no such thing as a perfect course. Many content creators fall into the trap of obsessing over every tiny detail, pouring excessive time and money into their first course. They get fixated on having the best technology and production values, only to see their investment go down the drain when no one’s buying. 

The truth is, striving for perfection can lead to major delays and missed opportunities. Instead, start with what you have, gather feedback, and make improvements over time. 

For your initial course, keep it simple, use it to test the water, and don't get bogged down on unnecessary expenses. Remember, it's better to get your course out there and refine it based on real-world feedback than to wait for perfection that may never come.

Mistake 5: Overwhelming Content 

A common pitfall for new course creators is attempting to create a massive, all-encompassing course right out of the gate. It's natural to want to share everything you know and help learners achieve the best results. However, packing too much information into an extensive course can easily overwhelm and discourage your learners. In today's fast-paced world, people are prone to distractions, seeking low commitments and fast results.

So, here's the advice: start small. Consider starting with a bite-sized course that offers quick, digestible solutions at a relatively low price. By doing so, you're making it super easy for learners to commit, actually finish the course, and hit that first realistic goal. Picture it like training for a marathon – you wouldn't attempt the full distance right from the start. Instead, you'd begin with shorter races, gradually building up your endurance. Similarly, resist the urge to go big too soon; instead, focus on creating a focused, concise, and manageable course that lays the foundation for future expansion.

Mistake 6: Neglecting Support

Selling an online course may seem like a pathway to passive income, but providing a truly exceptional learning experience demands ongoing, active support. Don’t assume that after your course is sold, you can just leave your clients on their own and move on to find fresh leads. Instead, you should regularly follow-up with your buyers, providing a range of support channels, such as FAQs, discussion forums, and feedback surveys. By actively engaging with students and offering personalized guidance, you not only contribute to their success but also enhance their satisfaction with the course. Remember, your students' success directly impacts your own success. Moreover, gathering valuable feedback from your students can provide insights to improve your course in the long term.

Start your Journey with Circle LMS

Creating an online course can be an exciting and rewarding endeavor, but it's not without its challenges. By steering clear of these six common mistakes, you'll set yourself up for success in the competitive world of online education. Now that you know what to do and what NOT TO DO, it’s time to take your first step with Circle LMS. Our platform provides everything you need to establish your learning community, build and sell your courses, and gather invaluable feedback. Best of all, enjoy your first month with us completely free!

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